Period of Stay within the Validity of the Passport

Period of Stay within the Validity of the Passport

From July 1, 2021, the period of stay will be granted within the valid time of the passport.


Until now, the period of stay of registered foreigners was granted regardless of the validity of the passport. So foreigners did not need to renew the passport and report the change of registered information. That’s why it was difficult for the Korean authorities to understand the exact state of immigration and stay.


This policy will be subject to long term visa holders (registered foreigners) except for the below.

  • Diplomacy (A1), Foreign Govenment Official (A2), Agreement (A3)
  • Permanent resident (F5)
  • Refugee related: Recognized refugee, Humanitarian status holder, Refugee applicant, and their family
  • Denationalized people


This policy will be applied to immigration applications such as below.

  • Grant of status of stay
  • Extension of period of stay
  • Change of status of stay
  • Addition and change of workplace

Transitional regulation

Due to the covid-19 pandemic, transitional regulation will be applied.

  • Until June 30, 2022: Even if the valid time of the passport remains 1 year or less, the period of stay will be up to 1 year.
  • From July 1, 2022: If renewal will be impossible within the valid time of the passport (6 months or less), the period of stay will be up to 6 months. It will be just one time.

Report the change of the registered information

Foreigners should report the change of the registered information like passport number, issuance date, and valid period after passport renewal.

Passport renewal will be applicable in an embassy or a consulate of the country of nationality.

Source: The Ministry of Justice

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