Report of Elementary, Middle and High School Enrollment

Report of Elementary, Middle and High School Enrollment

Registered foreigners between 6 and 18 ages must report school enrollment to the immigration office.


Registered foreigners between the ages of 6 and 18


You have to report whether you are attending school or not to the competent immigration office.

The schools subject to reporting are as follows.

  • Elementary School
  • Middle school
  • High school
  • Alternative school
  • Foreigner school


If you are entering elementary, middle, or high school for the first time, or you have entered a higher school (eg. middle school → high school), you have to report it within 15 days.

  • You don't have to report the grade change. eg. 1st grade → 2nd grade → 3rd grade
  • You have to report the school change.

Even if you are not currently attending school, you have to report it within 15 days. eg) homeschooling, withdrawal

  • You don't have to report the graduate.

You also have to report school enrollment in case of application as below.

  • Foreigner registration
  • Application regarding status of stay

Required documents

  • Report form
  • Certificate of enrollment which is issued by the school

*Non-schoolers don't have to submit a certificate of enrollment.

Report procedure

Visit the competent immigration office or report via e-fax (1577-1346)

If you are under the age of 17 (up to the age of 16), your parents, etc. can make a report on your behalf.

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비자 스탬프


사용횟수 * 단수비자: 3개월 내에 1회만 사용할 수 있는 비자 * 복수비자: 유효기간 내에 2회 (더블비자) 또는 무제한 사용할 수 있는 비자 체류기간 * 단기비자 (단기체류비자): 관광, 방문 등의 목적으로 90일까지 체류할 수 있는 비자를 말합니다. (B계열, C계열) 다만, B계열 (B-1, B-2)은 비자를 별도로 발급하지 않습니다. (무비자 입국) * 장기비자 (장기체류비자): 91일 이상

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* 온라인 결제수단: 계좌이체 (KRW), PayPal (USD), 해외카드 (USD) * USD = KRW ÷ 1,000 결제 (PayPal, 해외카드) * 외국서류 발급과 공적확인 (아포스티유, 영사확인), 번역공증촉탁 요금은 서류 1건당 20만원 ~ 70만원입니다. * 일부 국가의 국민은 온라인으로 쉽게 서류발급, 공적확인을 할 수 있습니다. 당사무소에서 절차를 상세하게 안내합니다. 출입국민원 * 수입인지 (행정기관 수수료) 포함 * 부가세 10% 별도 * 신청대행: 상담