Online Application

Online Application

I will apply online with documents prepared for certain applications and reports related to visa and status of stay.

  • Government stamp fees are included.
  • Apostille, consular attestation, translation and notary fees are separate.
  • The procedure of apostille / consular legalization, translation and notarization application are not covered by the registered immigration specialists so you should prepare these by yourself but I can assist you.
  • There are certain visa types not available for online applications.
  • Please contact me by email or chat before checking out this service.

Available application and reports

  • Extensions of the period of stay: 170,000 won
  • Mutiple reentry permit: 70,000 won
  • Report of certain information change of passport: 30,000 won
  • Report of the shcool enrollment change: 30,000 won
  • Report of the occupation change: 30,000 won
  • Application for change from H-2 to F-4-24/25/27/28 visa 134,000 won

Available area

  • Nationwide

Paymenr method

  • Direct bank transfer

Process after payment

  • After payment, you should send me the required documents by courier with prepaid. (택배 선불) And you also send copied files by email or dropbox site.
    • My office address is in the footer of this website. Zip code 15496
    • Post office registered mail (등기우편) is not allowed because your parcel may be returned or discarded due to the absence of recipient.
    • Don't edit copied files before sending me.
  • Your original documents will be delivered by courier.

Refund policy

  • In case of the contract termination due to the negligence, inevitable reason, the delegate will refund the fees and return the documents which the delegate received. However, certain fees which the delegate has already paid to the 3rd party to proceed the deleagated task won't be refunded.
  • In case your application for visa chage and extension of period of stay fails, I will refund 110,000 won. For other applications or reports, I won't refund.


I will respond during office hours. / Free consulting: Simple questions, information which can be obtained by internet search / Paid consulting by email and chat: Requirements check, required documents guide, administrative process guide
• Live chat
Naver talk
Email form

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비자 스탬프


사용횟수 * 단수비자: 3개월 내에 1회만 사용할 수 있는 비자 * 복수비자: 유효기간 내에 2회 (더블비자) 또는 무제한 사용할 수 있는 비자 체류기간 * 단기비자 (단기체류비자): 관광, 방문 등의 목적으로 90일까지 체류할 수 있는 비자를 말합니다. (B계열, C계열) 다만, B계열 (B-1, B-2)은 비자를 별도로 발급하지 않습니다. (무비자 입국) * 장기비자 (장기체류비자): 91일 이상

계산기와 펜 calculator and pen


* 온라인 결제수단: 계좌이체 (KRW), PayPal (USD), 해외카드 (USD) * USD = KRW ÷ 1,000 결제 (PayPal, 해외카드) * 외국서류 발급과 공적확인 (아포스티유, 영사확인), 번역공증촉탁 요금은 서류 1건당 20만원 ~ 70만원입니다. * 일부 국가의 국민은 온라인으로 쉽게 서류발급, 공적확인을 할 수 있습니다. 당사무소에서 절차를 상세하게 안내합니다. 출입국민원 * 수입인지 (행정기관 수수료) 포함 * 부가세 10% 별도 * 신청대행: 상담