Reentry Permit

Reentry Permit

About reentry permit

1. Who

Long-term visa holders who register at the immigration office must get a reentry permit before temporary departure. There are some exemptions which will be explained below.

Permanent departure will make your status of stay void. However, if you have a valid multiple entry visa, you can reenter and must register again. If you return your residence card, it means permanent departure.

Short-term visa holders cannot get reentry permits even if they are from countries that have reentry permit exemption agreements with South Korea.

2. Exemption

A, D, E, F (excluding F4, F5), G, and H visa type holders can re-enter Korea within 1 year after departure even if they leave the country without permission.

  • However, when the remaining period of stay is shorter than 1 year, you may enter the country within that period.
  • If you want to stay abroad for over 1 year, you must get a reentry permit. Since this is a multiple reentry permit, you can reenter the country more than two times.

Permanent residents (F5) can re-enter the country without reentry permit within 2 years.

F-4 visa holders don't need a reentry permit during the period of stay.

Nationals of the countries as follows that have reentry permit exemption agreements don't need a permit during the period of stay regardless of visa types.

  • Suriname
  • Netherlands
  • Norway
  • Denmark
  • Germany
  • Luxembourg
  • Belgium
  • Sweden
  • Swiss
  • Liechtenstein
  • France
  • Finland
  • Chile: D-7, D-8, D-9 only

3. Reentry permit extension

In case that reentry permit holders cannot enter Korea due to the inevitable reasons like disease, they must get an extension of the permitted reentry period before the expiration.

  • The period is up to 3 months.
  • You can apply at the Korean consulate.

4. Passport expiration

In case their passport expires after departure, you must follow the process below.

  • Renew passport or extend the valid period of the passport in your country.
  • Report the change of registered information at the competent immigration office within 14 days after reentry.


I can provide the services below for you.

  • I can guide whole requirements and documents for reentry permit.
  • I can apply online on behalf of you.

Reentry permit extension and passport renewal are not covered since these are applied oveseas.

I will respond during office hours. / Free consulting: Simple questions, information which can be obtained by internet search / Paid consulting by email and chat: Requirements check, required documents guide, administrative process guide
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