Short-Term Visit (C3)

Short-Term Visit (C3)

Scope of activity

A C3 visa is required to visit family, participate in various events, collect academic data, and conduct non-profit activities such as medical care, rehab, business trip and market research in South Korea. The period of stay is 30 or 90 days.

Nationals of specific countries below don't need a C3 visa for short term visits. (B1, B2)

Visa Exempt (B1)

*Diplomat and public official excluded

Asia: Malaysia (3 months), Singapore (90 days), United Arab Emirates (90 days, passport validity of at least 6 months), Israel (90 days), Kazakhstan (30 days), Thailand (90 days), Turkey (90 days) days), Qatar (90 days)

America: Guatemala (90 days), Grenada (90 days), Nicaragua (90 days), Dominican Republic (90 days), Dominica (90 days), Mexico (3 months), Barbados (90 days), Bahamas (90 days) days), Venezuela (90 days), Brazil (90 days), Saint Lucia (90 days), Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (90 days), Saint Kitts and Nevis (90 days), Suriname (3 months), Haiti (90 days), Antica and Barbuda (90 days), El Salvador (90 days), Uruguay (90 days), Jamaica (90 days), Chile (90 days), Costa Rica (90 days), Colombia (90 days), Trinitad and Tobago (90 days) days), Panama (90 days), Peru (90 days)

Europe: Greece (3 months), Netherlands (90 days), Denmark (90 days), Germany (90 days), Latvia (90 days), Russia (60 days), Romania (90 days), Luxembourg (3 months), Lithuania (90 days), Liechtenstein (3 months), Malta (90 days), Belgium (3 months), Bulgaria (90 days), Sweden (90 days), Switzerland (3 months), Spain (90 days), Slovakia (90 days), Iceland (90 days), Ireland (90 days), Estonia (90 days) days), UK (90 days), Italy (90 days), Czech Republic (90 days), Portugal (90 days), Poland (90 days), France (90 days), Finland (90 days), Hungary (90 days)

Africa: Lesotho (60 days), Morocco (90 days), Tunisia (30 days)

Oceania: New Zealand (3 months *except Cook Islands, Nue and Tokelau)

Tour and Transit (B2)

Asia: Saudi Arabia (30 days), Macau (90 days), Bahrain (30 days), Brunei (30 days), Oman (30 days), Japan (90 days), Kuwait (90 days), Taiwan (90 days), Hong Kong (90 days)

North America: US (90 days), Canada (6 months)

South America: Guyana (30 days), Argentina (30 days), Ecuador (90 days), Honduras (30 days), Paraguay (30 days)

Europe: Monaco (30 days), Montenegro (30 days), Vatican (30 days), Bosnia and Herzegovina (30 days), Cyprus (30 days), San Marino (30 days), Serbia (90 days), Slovenia (90 days) days), Andorra (30 days), Albania (30 days), Croatia (90 days)

Africa: South Africa (30 days), Mauritius (30 days), Seychelles (30 days), Eswatini (formerly Swaziland) (30 days), Botswana (90 days)

Oceania: Guam (30 days), Nauru (30 days), New Caledonia (30 days), Marshall Islands (30 days), Micronesia (30 days), Samoa (30 days), Solomon Islands (30 days), Kiribati (30 days) days), Tonga (30 days), Tuvalu (30 days), Palau (30 days), Fiji (30 days), Australia (90 days)

Visa types

C3 visa has sub categories based on visit purpose.

  • General short-term (C3-1): General purpose such as family visit, event, academic data
  • Group tour (C3-2): Group tour or small trade activities in airport and seaport
  • Medical tour (C3-3): medical treatment or rehab in hospitals
  • General business (C3-4): business activities such as market research, correspondence for work, consultation, and contract
  • Short-term business based on treaty (C3-5): Business activities of Indian and Chilean
  • Ethnic Korean visit (C3-8): overseas Koreans
  • General tour (C3-9): Tourists except group tour
  • Transfer (C3-10): Nationals of specific countries who have general passport and want to travel to 3rd party countries via South Korea

Visa issuance

1. General short-term (C3-1)

① Without visa eligibility certificate

You need some documents to prove the purpose of the visit such as an invitation letter.

Principally, single entry visa (90 days, valid for 3 months) or double entry visa (30 days, valid for 6 months) will be issued. However, with specific requirements, multi entry visa can be issued.

② With visa eligibility certificate

An investment promotion company can invite foreigners who invested certain amount of money to real estate or some public services in South Korea.

2. General business (C3-4), General tour (C3-9)

No need visa eligibility certificate

Principally, single entry visa (90 days, valid for 3 months) or double entry visa (30 days, valid for 6 months) will be issued. However, with specific requirements, multi entry visa can be issued.

I will respond during office hours. / Free consulting: Simple questions, information which can be obtained by internet search / Paid consulting by email and chat: Requirements check, required documents guide, administrative process guide
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비자 스탬프


사용횟수 * 단수비자: 3개월 내에 1회만 사용할 수 있는 비자 * 복수비자: 유효기간 내에 2회 (더블비자) 또는 무제한 사용할 수 있는 비자 체류기간 * 단기비자 (단기체류비자): 관광, 방문 등의 목적으로 90일까지 체류할 수 있는 비자를 말합니다. (B계열, C계열) 다만, B계열 (B-1, B-2)은 비자를 별도로 발급하지 않습니다. (무비자 입국) * 장기비자 (장기체류비자): 91일 이상

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* 온라인 결제수단: 계좌이체 (KRW), PayPal (USD), 해외카드 (USD) * USD = KRW ÷ 1,000 결제 (PayPal, 해외카드) * 외국서류 발급과 공적확인 (아포스티유, 영사확인), 번역공증촉탁 요금은 서류 1건당 20만원 ~ 70만원입니다. * 일부 국가의 국민은 온라인으로 쉽게 서류발급, 공적확인을 할 수 있습니다. 당사무소에서 절차를 상세하게 안내합니다. 출입국민원 * 수입인지 (행정기관 수수료) 포함 * 부가세 10% 별도 * 신청대행: 상담