Study, Training

Study, Training

Student (D2)

Scope of activity

A D-2 visa is required to study or research at universities, colleges, industrial colleges, teachers colleges and junior colleges. However, basically other visa holders can study at those schools.

  • Correspondence colleges, cyber colleges, lifelong education institutions, some night colleges, and vocational schools cannot have D2 visa holders.

D-2 visa has the subtypes as below.

  • Associate degree (D2-1)
  • Bachelor's degree (D2-2)
  • Master's degree (D2-3)
  • Doctoral degree (D2-4)
  • Research study (D2-5)
  • Exchange student (D2-6)
  • Job and study (D2-7)
  • Visiting student (D2-8)

The period of stay is up to 1 or 2 years and can be extended.

Visa issuance

Bascially, there are two ways to get a visa issued. Type A visa does not need the visa issuance certificate and type B visa does.

  • Highly certified schools: Both types are available regardless of nationality and online applications are also available.
  • Certified schools: Type A regardless of nationality *D2-3 and D2-4 visa can be applied online
  • Visa restricted schools
    • D2-1, D2-2, D2-3 visa: Not available
    • D2-4, D2-5, D2-6 visa: Type B regardless of nationality
  • Specific visa restricted schools: Type A or B according to nationality
  • Other schools: Type A regardless of nationality
  • Nationals of Cuba, Syria, North Macedonia, Kosovo: Type B

Visa change (change of status of stay)

Holders of long-term visas other than D3, E8, E9, E10, G1 visa can change to D2 visa. G1-6 visa holder can change however.

Shor term visa holders (B, C type) of specific nationals can change.

Student (D2) - BANG 행정사사무소

General training (D4)

Scope of activity

A D4 visa is required to study and train at educational institutions such as elementary and high schools, university-affiliated language schools or training institutions such as companies and organizations.

You must not have wages exceeding the stay cost from the school or training institution.

D-4 visa has the subtypes as below.

  • Korean language trainee (D4-1)
  • Other institution trainee (D4-2)
  • Student of elementary, middle, high school (D4-3)
  • Korean cusine trainee (D4-5)
  • Private institution trainee (D4-6)
  • Foreign language trainee (D4-7)

Language trainee (D4-1 and D4-7)

These visas are required for foreigners with over high school diploma to study and train the Korean or other foreign language at the university-affiliated language school. However, D4-7 visa is also available for students attending high school or lower shcool.

The period of stay is up to 6 months and can be extended.

Bascially, there are two ways to get a visa issued. Type A visa does not need the visa issuance certificate and type B visa does.

  • Highly certified schools: Both types are available regardless of nationality.
  • Certified schools: Type A regardless of nationality
  • Visa restricted schools: Not available
  • Specific visa restricted schools: Type A or B according to nationality
  • Other schools: Type A regardless of nationality
  • Nationals of Cuba, Syria, North Macedonia, Kosovo: Type B

Holders of long term visas other than D3, D8, E9, E10, G1 visa can change to D4-1 and D4-7 visa. G1-6 visa holder can change however. Short term visa holders cannot change.

Other institution trainee (D4-2)

This is required to train at companies, organizations and educational institutions which is not suitable for D2 visa.

In principle, you need the visa issuance certificate for applying for visa.

You must graduate from Korean college or junior college to change to D4 visa in Korea.

Student of elementary, middle, high school (D4-3)

This visa is required to attend elementary, middle or high school except free schools as student invited by the Korean government or local governments or as self-funded student.

The period of stay is up to 1 year and can be extended.

In principle, you don't need the visa issuance certificate for visa but if you are national of countries of most illegal immigrants in Korea and attend with your own money, you must apply for visa issuance certificate and then apply for visa at the Korean consulate.

Long term visa holders can change to D4-3 visa. However, if you already have F1 or F3 visa because your family or relatives live in Korea, you don't need D4-3 visa to attend the school. Shor term visa (B, C) and G1 visa holders cannot change to D4-3 visa as the self-funded student.

General training (D4) - BANG 행정사사무소


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