electronic calculator


    • The main currency is KRW.
    • The payment methods are direct bank transfer (KRW) and PayPal (USD). USD = KRW ÷ 1,000
    • The fees for foreign documents, apostille, consular legalization, translation and notarization are roughly KRW 200,000 ~ 700,000 per document.
    • Some countries provide online services for public documents issuance and apostille. If you want to prepare by yourself, I will guide you with proper procedures.



  • Stamp fees included
  • VAT 10% excluded
  • Apostille / consular legalization, translation, notarization fees excluded


  • Application for visa issuanace

    • Document preparation: 20,000 won per document
  • Application for visa issuance certificate

    • Delegation: 200,000 won ~ 250,000 won
    • Submission: 100,000 won ~ 150,000 won
    • Document preparation: 20,000 won per document
  • Application for visa change

    Foreigner registration is included.

    • Delegation: 330,000 won ~ 380,000 won *430,000 won ~ 480,000 won for F-5
    • Submission: 230,000 won ~ 280,000 won *330,000 won ~ 380,000 won for F-5
    • Online application
    • H-2 → F-4-24, 25, 27, 28: 234,000 won
    • Document preparation: 20,000 won per document
  • Application for granting status of stay

    Foreigner registration is included.

    • Delegation: 310,000 won ~ 360,000 won *270,000 won ~ 320,000 won for F-6
    • Submission: 210,000 won ~ 260,000 won *170,000 won ~ 220,000 won for F-6
    • Document preparation: 20,000 won per document
  • Application for activities not covered by own visa

    • Delegation: 320,000 won ~ 370,000 won
    • Submission: 220,000 won ~ 270,000 won
    • Document preparation: 20,000 won per document
  • Application for extension of period of stay

    Online application: 170,000 won

  • Other application regarding visa

    • Application for workplace change: 220,000 won for submission / Report of workplace change: 100,000 won for submission
    • Report of workplace change: 100,000 won for delegation
    • Report of school enrollment change: 20,000 won for online report
    • Report of occupation change: 20,000 won for online report
    • Application for mutiple reentry permit: 20,000 won for online application
    • Report of passport change: 20,000 won for online report
  • Application regarding nationality

    • Document preparation: 20,000 won per document
  • Administrative appeal against disposal regarding status of stay & nationality

    Document preparation: 100,000 won per document


What is the difference between the delegation and the submission service?

The delegation service covers the documents preparation while the submission service does not. When customers can prepare the required documents by themselves, the submission service is recommended. You can use the seperate document preparation service for documents which cannot be prepared easily without help.

How can I pay the fees for apostille / consular legalization, translation and notarization application?

The procedure of apostille / consular legalization, translation and notarization application are not covered by the registered immigration specialists (agency). You should pay the private companies which I introduce directly but I can also pay them your fees on behalf of you if you send me those fees first. They will inform you of the required procedure by email after payment.

I don't get any fees for apostille / consular legalization, translation and notarization application and I don't have any responsibility for the potential legal dispute regarding these applications.

You can use other local or overseas companies.